Give patients a continuity of care and follow their recovery at home with the Post Opp App

We have developed an app that gives patients more post operative support and resources

Through scheduled surveys of patient’s feedback with detailed and customisable questions and a help centre to contact their doctor we can ensure patients are looked after and supported throughout their recovery.

This improves communication and care with patients and allows for a better post operative understanding.

The PostOpp App ensures that patients feel peace of mind throughout recovery

Patients can feel assured that all the symptoms throughout their recovery process are being monitored by their doctor. Notifications will be sent if any response from a survey requires urgent attention, such as if their level of nausea is unusual. This takes away the anxiety and worry for a patient who can have peace of mind that their doctor knows all the symptoms that they are experiencing.

Doctors have more detailed understanding of their patients recovery post operatively

Doctors can customise the patient survey’s which can be scheduled for completion at times arranged throughout recovery. The survey can be as specific as needed for the patient and their treatment, and completed at a time that best suits the doctor .

This allows doctors to get a clearer picture of their patients recovery and ensure a greater level of care.